What is the fabrication process?
Fabrication is an additive type of manufacturing process in which two or more metallic parts are shaped as per the design and assembled together permanently or temporarily, to produce a final product manufactured for its intended function. The process of shaping can be cutting, shearing, bending, stamping, etc. and subsequently assembling through fastening or welding.
The type of process to be employed for shaping depends upon the chemical and physical properties of the material and application of the final product. This may include cutting through oxy-flame, plasma or any other process, bending, shearing, forging, stamping, etc. The planning for process selection plays an important role in fabrication. Similarly, during the joining of components, proper selection of the assembly methods is to be planned. One may go for riveting, fastening or adhesive for temporary joints or different types of welding, soldering, etc. can be used for permanent joining.
Since joining through welding is commonly used in fabrication which is a fusion process, a large amount of heat is liberated. This causes distortion in the assembled product; hence fabrication is carried out with proper allowances, edge preparations, and suitable fixtures to restrict the deformation and maintaining the final dimensions.
Applications of Fabricated Products
Fabrication is the most widely used manufacturing process and has a very wide application in almost every sector. The usage may start from household domestic amenities, fabricated structures, sheds, bridges in the construction sector, various machine parts in machine tool industries and industrial sector, to very high-quality motor bodies, generator frames, power grids and power equipment in power and energy sector, high-quality machines in pharmaceutical and food industries, to automobile and aviation industry, etc.
Importance & Benefits of Fabrication Process
The benefits of fabrication as a manufacturing process can be drawn due to its versatility, flexibility and process capability to produce various intricate shapes and in varied sizes with required tolerance level, high quality. Moreover, the fabricated products are cost effective and relatively easy to design for the properties required for the end use, for appearance (aesthetic looks), for heat resistance & strength properties. The fabrication also derives advantages due to onsite working capabilities.
Fabricated products offered by Jash
Jash Precision Tools Pvt. Ltd. offers various highly precise fabricated products to cater different industrial needs. We offer precise machine tables, pallet sub tables, tooling and fixtures for job locations on machine tools; Body frames, end shields and other parts for Motors and generators; Testing beds for motors and generators; Fabricated Stainless steel enclosure in Gas Insulated and Air Insulated switchgears for power sector industries; Fabricated Frames and other components for loco applications.